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  Get a FREE "Conversion Analysis"!
If you're getting visitors to your website but they're not converting into phone calls, opt-ins, email inquiries or sales...there's a simplicity, clarity or desirability problem with your website. 

This is a "conversion" problem...(which is essentially a "Hook, Story, Offer" problem). 

Here's how to get your FREE Conversion Analysis...
  • Step 1 - You'll fill out the Application Questionnaire at the bottom of this page and submit it. 
  • Step 2 - I'll have a look at it and then go research your website and links to whatever else you've submitted. Then I'll email you asking which of the following options you want...
  • Step 3 - Option #1: We can get on the phone together and I can share my observations and recommendations with you...or, Option #2: I'll make a video for you sharing my observations and recommendations...and then I'll send you a link to that video.
(If we chat over the phone, we'll discuss WHO your ideal customer/client is...WHERE you currently reach them or find them...WHAT BAIT or attention-grabbing offer we can use to attract them...and WHAT RESULT, ideally biggest result would you like to give them or what result do you think your customer really wants. 

A phone/Zoom/Skype conversation will be much more valuable to you since I can ask you questions and get immediate, valuable responses from you which will help me give you better, more insightful recommendations. However, if you'd rather get a video from me instead, that's fine too!)
It won't be long before you can make an educated decision about whether you want to continue to work on your Hook, Story and Offer/s or not!
Application Questionnaire
(Please answer ALL of the questions as accurately as you can!)
1. What would you say your biggest marketing challenges are right now? What ISN'T working?
2. List each method of marketing you're using right now, followed by its cost (per month):
3. Which marketing methods are currently bringing you the most business? (Do you actually KNOW?)
4. List your 3 biggest competitors. (Indicate if they are local or not.)
5. Describe your IDEAL future customer or client:
6. Are you currently collecting “contact information” for each customer you have? Are you storing it in a database, spreadsheet or some “customer management” software?
7. List your Top 5 “Most Frequently Sold” products or services.
8. List your Top 5 “Most Profitable” products or services (least amount of time involved/most profit margin).
9. Enter your website address, Facebook page address, YouTube channel, LinkedIn address, etc...
10. What would you like to see happen in your business during the next year? Describe in detail. (Include your current Annual Revenue, and where you’d like it to be twelve months from now.)
Additional Comments?
"In any month I don't get you at least *[X] new leads,
you don't pay the next Monthly Management Fee!"
* This is a "mutually agreed upon" number that will be based primarily on your current sales figures.
This guarantee applies to "PPC Total Package" and "PPC Manangement".
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Ph: 902-223-5557
E: jonathan@jonathanswanmarketing.com
Mailing Address: 63 Ardwell Avenue
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3R 1L7